Case Notes

Who can use this feature?

  • Portal Staff with the Clients permission
  • Administrators

The Case Notes feature within the Service Provider Portal allows you to efficiently document and track interactions, updates, and other relevant information related to your clients. This tool ensures that all team members have access to up-to-date information, enabling better coordination and service delivery.

Add a new case note

1. Access the Client’s Profile: From the People screen, select the client you wish to add a case note for.

2. Locate Case Notes tab: Navigate to the Case Notes tab and select + New Note.

3. Add a New Note: The Add Note window will appear allowing you to:

  • Input a Date (will automatically default to today’s date).
  • Add an Activity Type.
  • Provide Details.
  • Create a Follow-Up Task.

4. Save the Note: Once you’ve completed the note, select Save Note.

Create follow-up tasks

Follow-up tasks can be captured right from the note screen, helping to streamline case management.

1. Open Follow-up Task: From the Add Note window, select + Create follow-up task.

2. Create Follow-up Task: The Add Task window will appear allowing you to:

  • Create a Task Name.
  • Set a Due Date.
  • Assign Who’s Responsible (multiple people can be assigned).
  • Provide Details.

3. Save the Task: Once you’ve entered the task information, select Save Task and then Save Note.

Edit an existing case note

1. Open Case Note: To edit an existing note, select the 3-dots icon and choose Edit.

2. Edit Case Note: Make your desired edits and select Save Note.

Delete a case note

1. Open Case Note: To delete a note, select the 3-dots icon and choose Delete.

2. Delete Case Note: Select Delete to confirm action.

Print case notes

1. From the Case Notes tab of the Client Profile, select Download/Print.

2. In the Print Preview screen, select Download/Print.

3. In the Destination dropdown field of the Print Dialogue window, select Save as PDF if you wish to download the case notes, or choose your printer if you prefer to print a hard copy.

  • Confidentiality Notice: Case notes may contain sensitive information and are intended solely for authorized personnel. Unauthorized disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the information is strictly prohibited.