WE Data Tools

Case Notes

Who can use this feature?

  • Portal Staff with the Clients permission
  • Administrators

An easy-to-use Case Notes system is available within the client profile. Service providers can quickly add, edit and delete notes to maintain up-to-date client information.

Add a new note

1. Via the My Clients / People screen, select the client you wish to add a case note for.

2. Navigate to the Case Notes tab and select + New Note.

3. The Add Note window will appear allowing you to:

  • Input a Date (will automatically default to today’s date).
  • Add an Activity Type.
  • Provide Details.
  • Create a Follow-Up Task.

4. Once you’ve completed the note, select Save Note.

Create follow-up tasks

Follow-up tasks can be captured right from the note screen, helping to streamline case management.

1. From the Add Note window, select + Create follow-up task.

2. The Add Task window will appear allowing you to:

  • Create a Task Name.
  • Set a Due Date.
  • Assign Who’s Responsible (multiple people can be assigned).
  • Provide Details.

3. Once you’ve entered the task information, select Save Task and then Save Note.

Edit an existing note

1. To edit an existing note, select the 3-dots icon and choose Edit.

2. Make your desired edits and select Save Note.

Delete a note

1. To delete a note, select the 3-dots icon and choose Delete.

2. Select Delete to confirm action.