Who can use this feature?
- Portal Staff who have the Job Postings permission
- Job Board Administrators
- Administrators
Frequently asked questions
Job tags are used to organize and group job posts with similar attributes, such as jobs within a particular occupation, or jobs that require a certain level of education like a college diploma. They serve multiple purposes for jobseekers, employers, workforce boards, and employment service providers which include:
- Simplifying Search and Filtering: Job tags help candidates find relevant job listings more efficiently by filtering opportunities based on specific criteria (e.g., “remote”, “full-time”, “software development”).
- Matching Skills and Positions: They are used by employment service providers to match job openings with candidates possessing the right skills and experience. For instance, tagging a job with “Python” or “machine learning” makes it easier to find candidates with those specific skills.
- Organizing Job Listings: Job tags, specifically NOC and NAICS tags, allow relevant jobs to be visible in other areas of WE Data Tools (e.g., jobseekers can view active job postings when viewing occupations in the Occupation Library).
- Enhancing Job Visibility: Proper use of job tags can improve the visibility of job postings on the job board, attracting a more targeted group of candidates.
- Workforce Analytics: Job tags help power the Labour Market Insights Report which provides a detailed view of employer recruiting and job search behaviour data.
Job posts can be tagged with the following:
- NOC Tags (2016 & 2021): NOC tags focus on occupations. The National Occupational Classification (NOC) is Canada’s national system for describing occupations. Ensuring jobs contain NOC tags
- NAICS Tags: NAICS tags focu on sectors. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is an industry classification system developed by the statistical agencies of Canada, Mexico, and the United States.
- Job Tags: Job tags focus on job attributes like education requirements, benefits, and work from home jobs.
- Language Tags: Language tags are used for jobs that require specific languages.
- Skill Tags: Skill tags are specific workplace or knowledge skills.
Unresolved NOCs are job posts that do not have a NOC tag.
Tag a job post
There are two ways of tagging a job post:
From the Job Board Admin
1. Navigate to Admin > Jobs, find the job post(s) you wish to tag by locating it in the list or using the search field to look up the job post title, then select it’s checkbox and choose Actions > Tag.

- Tagging from the Job Board Admin allows for bulk tag assignment. To tag multiple jobs at once, follow the steps outlined above by selecting the corresponding checkbox next to the jobs you wish to tag.
From the Job Board
1. Navigate to the Job Board, find the job post you wish to tag, then select Tag.

- Users with the Job Board Administrator or Administrator roles can access a dashboard widget displaying the total count of job postings with unresolved NOC tags. This widget also includes a link to the respective job posts.