2021 NOC Conversion for Job Board and Jobs Map
At long last, we have begun the process of converting the tools to the NOC 2021 structure. This release is focused on the two most heavily used tools: the Job Board and Jobs Map.
The Job Board now shows the associated 2021 NOC in the job details. The “All Skill Levels” filtering option, which previously used the second digit of the 2016 NOC code, has been replaced by a new TEER filtering option, and uses the same second digit in the new 5-digit system. In addition, the old system of manually flagging In Demand jobs is now fully automated. The “This job is in demand” badge is now dynamically shown on the top 25 most popular NOCs in your region.

Automatic AI NOC Tagging
Our AI-powered NOC suggestion tool has ‘graduated’ to a fully automated system. When this tool identifies a NOC code with high confidence, it now automatically tags it with the associated NOC, instead of requiring a job board administrator to add the tag.
Jobseeker Portal
Cover Letter Updates
When editing an existing cover letter, it now opens directly in the editing window, bypassing the questionnaire.
Service Provider Portal
‘New Client’ Email Notifications
Previously, adding a new client to the system automatically triggered an email indicating a ‘referral’. Now, the email notifications will differentiate between clients and referrals. When a caseworker is assigned to a new client, they will receive an email stating they have a new client. If no caseworker is assigned, staff members will receive an email notification about a new referral.
Client Onboarding Form for Service Providers
We have made several minor updates to the form used by service providers to register new clients. The changes include:
- The Phone Number field is no longer mandatory.
- More options have been added to the Service Needs field:
- Child care
- Familiarity/client choice
- Language translation/interpretation
NOC Rule Builder added to ‘Edit Job Post’
NOC rules can now be created from the Edit Job Post screen.