WE Data Tools

WE Data Tools 3.13 Release Updates

This release contains lots of updates and improvements, as well as a brand new add-on tool.

New Add-On: Jobs Newsletter

  • This new tool allows your website visitors to subscribe to a regular “digest” email of new job postings.
    • Each newsletter contains a random selection of 25 job posts since the last update (default, configurable up to 50).
    • Delivery schedule can be customized. You can send them every day, on weekdays, or on specific days of the week. We recommend sending on each weekday.
  • If you’re interested in having this add-on for your website, contact Justin Falconer.

Improvements to All Tools

  • The main toolbar used across most tools has been updated.
    • Icons have been removed to reduce clutter.
    • Font size and toolbar width have been increased to take advantage of larger screens, when available.
  • A new Help menu has been added to the universal toolbar, featuring video-based how-to guides for each of the major tools.
    • These video guides can be customized with your organization’s logo. Contact Justin Falconer for details.

Career Explorer

  • Filters for Keyword, Sector, Bubble Size Options and Language have been moved into the sidebar.

Career Library

  • A new Expired Job Posts sub-page has been added to all 1, 2, 3 and 4-digit occupation profiles (visible to Job Board Administrators and other internal WordPress users only):
  • A new Job Posting Activity chart has been added to all 1, 2, 3, and 4-digit occupation profiles. You can now see job posting activity at any level of the NOC hierarchy:

Census Tool

  • The Census Tool has a new look! The Region Selection filter and Comparison Type filter have been moved into the collapsible sidebar.

Decision Tree Tool

  • A hover effect has been added to individual tree items to improve visibility and navigability.
  • Tool accessibility has been improved:
    • It’s now possible to navigate a Decision Tree entirely with the keyboard, using a combination of Tab (to bring focus to the Tree itself) and the arrow keys (to navigate between items). In addition, you can also navigate directly to tree items by typing the first letter of the item title.

Job Board

  • A new Job Type has been added: Casual.
    • Some employers may advertise a job as casual part-time or casual full-time. The presence of casual in any job posting automatically triggers the Casual classification. If casual is not found in the posting, we then look for indications for part time / full time classification.
  • For Job Board Administrators, the Quick Edit tool on the public Job Board view now features an option to edit the Language Tags associated with the job posting:
  • Job Tags now show in a hierarchical format on the public Job Board view:
  • The Export Job Posts and Export Job Posts by Month tools now include minimum education levels.
  • The NAICS Tag Selector for company posts has been moved to the sidebar.

Jobs Map

  • In the browser URL bar, the ?layer=toggle-job-markers suffix has been removed on the default landing point for this tool.
  • The Job Map Tools button has been removed from the grey toolbar, and the sidebar now has a ‘handle’ to toggle the map layer controls.

Resume Builder

  • When attempting to delete a Resume, a confirmation pop-up now appears: “Are you sure you want to delete this item? Deleted items cannot be recovered.” allowing the user a chance to cancel or continue with removal.

Job Training & Events Tool

  • The Export Training Opportunities by Month export tool now includes the Company/Employer column.
  • Numerous labels and fields have been updated to reflect the tool’s new uses for job fairs as well as training events.