WE Data Tools 3.11 Release Updates

All Tools

  • All tools can now be embedded on third-party websites. If you have community partners or other stakeholders who would like to add your tools directly to their own websites, contact Justin Falconer for pricing details.
    • Visits to embedded tools are tracked and counted in your engagement metrics.
    • Embedded tools can be scoped to specific occupations or industries.

Job Board

  • Alternate Job Titles in the NOC Tags system can now be scoped to specific NAICS. This allows for better matching of industry-specific NOCs.
    • General labour NOCs are programmed to match if the company posting the job has a NAICS code already programmed in the system.
  • Alternate Job Titles now supports more sophisticated pattern matching via Regular Expression support.

Sector Map

  • The default date range for the Job Concentration view is now the current calendar quarter.


  • Job seekers can now subscribe to automated daily or weekly email digests.
Job Portal Email Digest
  • For customers with the Portal and Career Library add-on, a new Email Sharing Tool is available for 4-digit NOCs.
    • This tools sends a Career Profile to the specified email address. The original sender is CC’d (Example: Job Counsellor wants to send a client an occupation that may be of interest to them.)
    • It is visible to logged-in users, including Job Seekers, Job Board Administrators and Job Counsellors.
    • The Career Profile is a formatted email message containing an occupation overview, typical job duties, related skills, a link to active job posts, and top local employers.
    • Contact Justin Falconer for pricing/details.