1. Open the Jobs Map Tool and look for any postings outside of the region.
2. If any postings are outside the region, click on the suitcase icon to view the posting. Click on the Edit icon to open the posting in the Admin Dashboard.
3. Evaluate the posting to determine if it should be in the region. This includes reviewing the original post using the link.
Update Address
1. If the company is hiring in the region, but the employer’s address is out of the region, the address for the individual posting needs to be updated. Click on the “Override the job posting using this address instead of the Employer’s address”.
2. Enter the address and click Geocode to populate the Longitude and Latitude. This ensures it will appear on the map.
NOTE: If the company is hiring in the region but does not have a local address or it is a mobile job (such as travelling salesperson, courier, etc.), administrators could either: a) remove the job posting from the map by deleting the geocoordinates, or b) move all of these job postings to the exact same coordinate on the map (such as a town centre or city hall location).
3. The Longitude and Latitude will populate.
4. Click Update.
Delete Posting
1. If the posting is not for a job in the region, delete the post by clicking Move to Trash.